Frequently Asked
Q: What is the ideal age to start agility training with my dog?
A: We require that puppies be at least 4 months of age before starting our Intro classes (they are low impact and safe for growing bodies). Any adult dog can start training as long as they are physically sound and not obese.
Q: Does my dog need to have had obedience training?
A: While obedience training is helpful, we work all of the skills in class necessary for success in agility. It is preferred that dogs have a reliable sit-stay and recall and are crate-trained.
Q: I have taken an agility class elsewhere with my dog, can we be placed in a higher-level class?
A: Not all programs teach the same skills or with the same goals in mind. Our classes are designed for those who may want to compete in agility with their dogs at some point and our curriculum is more detailed than "just for fun" agility classes taught at some local training facilities. Because of this, all non-competition level dogs who have not previously taken Foundation classes at ASDS are required to start in our Intro 1 class since our training program builds from one level to the next. If a person feels their dog is more advanced and would like to be evaluated for class placement and to test out of the necessary skills from our Intro classes, please contact us for more information.
Q: My dog is reactive to other dogs, can we still take agility classes?
A: It is highly recommended that you take obedience classes and/or behavior consultation prior to attending agility classes.
Q: My dog is a bit chunky. Can we still do agility?
A: You and your dog may attend our Intro classes, however it is required that they be in normal body condition before jumping or doing full-height obstacles.
Q: Can my significant other and I both train our dog in agility?
A: While it is most ideal for the dog to have one dedicated handler in agility, it is fine if a couple wants to split the class time training with their dog. It is easy for the dog to get confused going back from one person to the other. Our rule is only one handler per dog per turn and whoever is holding onto the leash is the only one to interact with the dog during that time,
Q: Can my child take agility classes with our dog?
A: Junior handlers are the future of our sport! There is even a Junior Open World Agility Championship event (ASDS helps sponsor the team) and scholarship opportunities through competing in AKC agility! We welcome responsible junior handlers in our classes (over age 13 unless pre-approved), however they must be supervised by an adult and it is recommended that the junior is the dog's primary care-taker.
Q: Can I bring more than one dog to class?
A: It is preferred that there is only one dog per handler in our Intro classes.
Q: I just want to get my dog on obstacles, how can I do that?
A: Agility training is about so much more than putting the dog on obstacles! It is vital that we first build proper teamwork, proprioception (body awareness), confidence and impulse control before introducing dogs to obstacles for obvious safety reasons. We don't allow any dogs on obstacles if they have not had the proper ground training, nor without instructor supervision.